Ceramic Coatings: Long Lasting Paint Protection In Hendersonville NC
Durable and quality paint protection that'll have you fall in love with your car again.
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Benefits Of Ceramic Coatings
Insane durability: Professional level coatings can offer 1-9 years of unmatched protection and durability!
Water beading and Water Sheeting Capabilities: Ceramic coatings do two essential things that help repel water like an umbrella on a rainy day. They lower surface energy, and lower the contact angle. This not only makes it more difficult for dirt, dust and other containments to adhere to the paint, but also makes maintaining and washing your vehicle a breeze!
Mirror-like shine: Think the rich warm glow of a wax is awesome? Wait until you see the mirror-like shine a ceramic coating can create!
Scratch and Swirl resistance: Okay so it's not made from steel or anything alike, but your car will have some resistance against light scratches and swirls (remember it's not invincible).
Common Myths About Ceramic Coatings
The coating is invincible: Regardless of how awesome ceramic coatings are, they simple aren't invincible. So do not expect the coating to protect against rock chipping. We can apply multiple layers of ceramic to enhance the durability but nothing will stop a flying rock or pebble from scratching or chipping your paint.
The coating is scratch and swirl proof: As stated earlier, the coating will protect your vehicle from light scratches and swirls typically induced from proper washing, but it will not protect from improper care such as taking your vehicle through drive-thru car washes or using dirty brushes.
The coating no longer requires maintenance: This is also false, if you are careless and don't follow proper washing techniques and principles the coating will begin to degrade prematurely.
If you want the coating to last it's intended time you must properly take care of it. A coating that is meant to last 5 years may begin to breakdown after 2 years of improper care. For this reason we strongly advice you consider joining our maintenance care after having your ceramic coating applied. Contact us to ask how!